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The Mcvean Advantage

Cascadia Truck Heads

More Room, More Productivity

Cascadia Truck Heads

Make Room for Greater Productivity
A comfortable driver is a productive driver, the interiors of the Cascadia and 0Cascadia evolution with all the conrforts of home. These trucks have one of the widest cabs in the industry, and drivers can stand tall with 92″ of cab headroom and a towering 97.5″ in the sleeper. The sests are two inches wider, taller and longer than most in the industry. with 24″ between sea1s and plenty of aisle room for confortably entering the sleeper – where drivers can stretch out on a plush mattress that is 40″ wide x 80″ long.

It’s Like Driving in First Class
The Cascadia is incredible roomy. Adjustable seats are two inches wider, longer and higher than most in the industry. There’s more head-. leg-, belly- and elbow-room than any other truck model on tho road today. And with two feet of flat space between the seats, drivers and passengers can move about freely, without obstruction.

Roominess is just the beginning, The automotive-style wraparound dash makes controls easier to reach. A high ccapacity HVAC system provides consistent and comfortable ventilation. Strategically placed amblent lighting enhances the interior environment for both work and relaxation. The cab is sonar-tested and sleeper compartment to pinpoint vibrations and unwanted sounds, then covered everything with a thick blanket of noise-dampening insulation.



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Donec ut aliquam lorem, eu cursus ipsum. Morbi lorem tortor, gravida sit amet lorem eu.


Donec ut aliquam lorem, eu cursus ipsum. Morbi lorem tortor, gravida sit amet lorem eu.